Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rosh Hashanah

Okay, in doing another essay for english, i learned several things about Jewish Customs and holidays.
1) They don't eat nuts because they get lodged in the throat and make it quite difficult to eat
2) they don't eat nuts because they have the same numerical equivalent (in Hebrew) as sin, which they are trying to avoid.
3) they use a ram's horn (a shofar) to call Jews to repentance
4) it is known as the day of judgment, when God decides who to keep alive and who to kill off
5) No work is permitted on Rosh Hashanah, and most of the day is spent in synagogue.

Seems fun with all the eating, but the praying? i mean, I can hardly sit still during class!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mimmi's Lamb

okay, three days ago my ewe Mimmi had her lamb. It was pure black and a ram lamb and would have been the perfect replacement for Luxor. However, he was either born dead or died shortly afterwards. i named him Nightfire and then we buried him.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Facebook and lambs

I never knew how amazing facebook could be. All I knew of it was that it wouldn't let me set up an account. But my sister Vally logged me on one night and i discovered how amazing it is. I only knew my friends from when they were in school, but now it feels like I know them even better. And more of them like me on Facebook than in the real world. It is an amazing feeling!
Today we terrorized the moms and lambs. We vaccinated all of them and put eartags on the babies. we also did unmentionable things to our poor ram lamb. I feel so sorry for him. in another three weeks we will do this all again. what fun.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

more homework

I am now extremely proud to say that I completed(almost)my Lewis and Clark essay. Now if i can just do math and civics! XD

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

another lamb!

Just came back from outside. The newest member of our flock is probably a self-coloring black, which would make out that Monica, the mother, has a dominant black gene. that crossed with Luxor's dominant black gene was an almost perfect chance of us getting a black lamb each time. And if Luxor had survived, we might have been able to figure out the exact ratio of rams to ewes lambs of expectancy each time. Now, only one ewe, Mimmi is left to lamb! I can't wait!


So. To clear some things up. Vally is not technically my sister, even though i love and annoy her like one. She is really a foreign exchange student from Italy. But we don't ever want her to go back. She is the foam queen because she makes the foam on the elder familie's coffee. She has named a lamb after herself here, and she fits in really well. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures of her soon.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


okay. looks like we will have to wait a bit on pics. I'll try to down-load them soon.

Well. I am in eight grade and part of my English class is to be involved in a nation wide money earning experience. The Nights-something-or-other. So my essay is supposed to be about what Lewis and Clark did for my family. Ummm... they made it possible to travel and began the explorations to go West. They also destroyed Native American culture, over-hunted beavers, and ticked off the French because Napoleon gave them the land for so "cheap" . Yeah. 15 million bucks must not have been a lot back then. Little fun fact, the land was called the Louisiana Purchase. Wish I could get one of those!
The worst thing about all this is that this project was assigned last month! This is definitely Leave-It-Till-The-Last-Minute-Lillie, as it is due this Friday!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Okay. So i promised i would post some pictures of the animals, even if i am talking to myself, so here they are.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sheep abundant!

As i said earlier, we breed sheep. They are a specific breed known as Soay, from the island of soay. We own a flock of seven ewes and one ram. we had a second ram, Luxor, but he was killed. Our current ram, Triton, is White and Black. So with rams, it is very likely that we will have some of our own lambs. Before we left for spring break, we had two lambs. Valentina and the twins. i will try to upload pictures of all the animals sometime. When we came back, on April fool's one of our ewes refused to come out of her house. the next morning, we had a wobbly little ram lamb. the first one we ever had. Vally, my sister wants to name him Panda. What the heck, she is only going to be here for a few more months. Give her as many chances and as much joy as we can. Then yesterday, one of our gimmers, a first year, not even a year old yet, had her lamb. another ewe. so now we have 4 ewe lambs and one ram lamb with more coming. and i'm the one who gets to clean the barns! yeay...

here is the video i tried to download but for some reason, it wouldn't.





funny lamb


Me. Well. Hmmm. Oh! I am a girl. I live on a farm in Idaho. We breed soay sheep, and i have my own ewe named Mimmi. I like anything Taylor Swift, and i love to do farm work. I also ove swimming, the ocean , and California.